"Kumova rachenitsa" - the dance of your two witnesses
This dance is a very important tradition of every Bulgarian wedding. It is especially for the witnesses of the bride and groom ( your best man and the made of honor). It is danced by couples on one of the most famous Bulgarian dances - "rachenitsa". The tradition follows that dancers will be dancing with wedding gifts - ceremony bread, ceremony chicken, rakia, etc.) In the end of the ritual those gifts need to end up in your wedding witnesses ( the couple that is dancing). In order for this to happen there are 3 possible ways for them to act - to buy the gifts, to dance for them or the steal them. All this is happening while the music is playing and ou dancers are dancing with the gifts.
All this is followed by a traditional Bulgarian "horo"in the end.
Please check the video below for a sneak peak on how the ritual goes.
- 2 dancers (usually there are 2 gifts prepared for this tradition)
- 4 dancers (if you have prepared more than 2 gifts or you just with to have more dancers on stage)
- * For both variations time depend on how skillful your witnesses are and how fast will they get the gifts
For more video and photos please visit our Facebook page.
See also:
- Folklore Dance Program
- Balkan show and romances
- Modern programme
- Folklore welcoming in the restaurant
- Bagpipe player and a singer
- Duet Rujitsa
- Seеing off the bride from her home
- Orchestra for celebrations
- Classical orchestra
- White Doves
- Children parties
- Santa Clause
Photo Galleries:
- Folklore Dance Program
- Modern programme
- Folklore welcoming in the restaurant
- Kumova rachenitsa for your witnesses
- Bagpipe player and a singer
- Duet Rujitsa
- Seеing off the bride from her home
- Orchestra for celebrations
- Classical orchestra
- White Doves
- Children parties
- Santa Clause
- Folklore Dance Program
- And more...